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Converge | Collaborate | Create
Innovative International Film Festival (IIFF) to be held on 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th October 2022 at Innovative Multiplex, Marathalli Bangalore is dedicated to recognizing film makers from around the world as well as celebrating films, media & digital content that spreads awareness as well as provides entertainment.

It tends to provide a platform that introduces “Indie” films along with popular commercial films to Regional, National & International audience by screening of films, recognition & appreciation. It provides easy access to amateurs for submission of their entries & gives them an opportunity to be selected for screening along with mega productions.


Providing one of the Biggest Networking Platforms for film industry professionals and like-minded enthusiasts.

Film Awards

Celebrating cinematic excellence by awarding film personalities in the glamorous Award Ceremony.

World Class Feature Films

Creating marvelous content and World Class Feature Films that are well recognized in International Markets.

Digital Film Market

Providing an extensive forum for multi-cultural exchange through Digital Film Market.

South Indian Film Industry

To enrich, promote and initiate business linkages and develop the South Indian Film Industry.

kananda Film Industry

To uplift the kananda Film Industry to new & exciting horizons.

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Words of wisdom

“Even though we have DVDs and OTTs, experiencing films coming to IIFF, theatre is a different thing.” IIFF is a model that people will take inspiration from and start it in many other cities. This is a very good culture to start with because many people want to watch cross-country films.

Allu Aravind- Indian film Producer; Owner Geetha Arts; co-owners the Indian Super League club Kerala Blasters

“People from outside countries come to IIFF and give a brief about the countries and the procedures to do shooting over there. We at IIFF wanted to bridge the gap between the places where you can shoot & also the ever thriving artists.”

Alankar Pandian-Owner of Ivenio Group

“I am really emotional. I was here at IIFF in 2019 when the film festival was just getting important, & now I'm here in 2021 when it has bloomed and people know what IFA is. I'm proud to be with IFA.” Surely the 5th edition of IIFF is going to be 100 times better.

Ravi Kotarkare-Secretary General of the Film Federation of India; Honorary Secretary South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce

"We really enjoyed the IIFF event and got connected with the right people. IIFF is a good opportunity for our creators. Some of us narrated stories to the investors/producers and got the chance to become directors."

R.K Selvamani-President Tamil Nadu Film Directors Association